
Building A
Building A (Concordia)
Building E
Building S1

Kazakh Room
The Parisian interior designer Marc Simon, the successful bidder in the League of Nations call for tenders, designed this 159-m² room and the 36-m² gallery using ash mouldings and mahogany beading, lower walls in varnished ash, ash radiator screens and grainy hessian wall coverings. Marc Simon also designed the chairs and the wall lamps, of which unfortunately nothing remains.
Extensive alterations were carried out in 1972 to turn this former committee room into a cinema. All the original decoration disappeared behind the vast yellow draperies which completely cover the walls, and the windows were blocked up. The seating was provided by Ciné-Agencement and a projector was installed.
Redesigned and refurbished by Kazakhstan in 2012, this multifunctional conference room greatly expands the possibilities for intergovernmental meetings, press conferences, side-events, cultural performances and film screenings in the Organization. The Kazakh Room, with its state-of-the-art technology and design, can accommodate up to 145 people.