ALERTS AND EMERGENCY BULLETINS For all emergencies outside the Palais des Nations call 112 Emergencies within the Palais dial +41 (0)22 917 71 12
There are currently no security restrictions in effect at UNOG. Please monitor local media to be aware of local events and follow the instructions of local authorities.
Receive all the security information needed to stay safe, including contact information of security staff, local travel advisory, and security notifications related to your location.
Find all the UN premises in your current location.
Remain reachable by security professionals during emergency situations and when in need for help. Additionally, National safety alerts and Swiss security advisories can be obtained by downloading “Alert Swiss”, a mobile app by the Federal Office for Civil Protection, to help you plan for and stay safe in an emergency while in the country. See for more details.
Please check this website or the hotline for updates during weather emergencies or other urgent situations.
You may reach the hotline at +41 (0)22 917 71 12 or follow @UNGeneva on Twitter for real time updates. For all emergencies call 112.