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Ciné-ONU is now ONLINE !
To mark the ”16 days of activism against gender-based violence” campaign,
Ciné ONU invite you to the online screening of the movie “#FatUglySlut – Online Abuse Against Women” By Florence Hainaut and Myriam Leroy (2021, 58 min, OV with English subtitles)
Thursday, 9 December 2021, 5.30 p.m. (CET).
Film synopsis: Florence Hainaut and Myriam Leroy, journalists, have experienced cyber-violence like 73% of the world's women. Starting with online hate speech, they take the viewer on an international narrative, both intimate and political, that paints an alarming picture of misogyny. This documentary examines the damage this phenomenon is doing to women and to the democratic debate. More information here.
Please note the United Nations does not necessarily endorse the views and opinions expressed in films screened at Ciné-ONU events.
- Myriam Leroy, Co-Director of the film
- Adriana Quinones, ad-interim Director, UN Women Geneva
- Moderator: Caroline Wafang, Human Rights Officer, Gender Section, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights of the United Nations
Step 1: Join the event on WebEx on 9 December 5.30 p.m. with this link : https://ungeneva-vc.webex.com/ungeneva-vc/j.php?MTID=m9ea6eff60e8faa4f10d7466542904d0c
Step 2: After a short introduction, you can watch the film with the link we will share in the WebEx chat.
Step 3: After watching the film, join us for the discussion using the same WebEx link.