Preserving the values of multilateralism and international cooperation, which underpin the UN Charter and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, is fundamental to promoting and supporting the three pillars of the UN - peace and security, development and human rights.
To mark the International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace, the United Nations in Geneva has invited Member States representatives with permanent missions in Geneva and young people who claim a right to have their say in world affairs to express themselves on the value of multilateralism and how it plays a role in addressing today’s priority challenges.
How has multilateral diplomacy made a difference in their careers? And how do they feel multilateral diplomacy plays a role in achieving the goals of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda? Listen to the Permanent Representatives of Botwana, Costa Rica, India, Moldova and the Netherlands to the United Nations in Geneva, as well as Switzerland’s and Germany's Youth Delegates, talk about how they have experienced the impact of multilateral diplomacy and why it is remains particularly relevant today.
Youth have their say on multilateralism and the world they want
Youth from all over the world attended the World Youth Assembly from 20-22 April to explore solutions to the the world's environmental challenges and adopt a World Youth Charter.
Organized by Geneva Youth Call, a movement borne out of the UN75 initiative, the gathering was supported by the United Nations in Geneva, the University of Geneva and the Kofi Annan Foundation. Young people had a lot to say on the role of multilateralism in today's global context, and why it is important for young people's voice to be an integral part of it.

Young people should be active in multilateralism as we are going to be the next generations of leaders, politicians, teachers and workers. We are given a chance to participate and convey our values in order to draft new international policies.
Abe Lim, Founder, Purpose Plastics

Multilateralism really means working with different groups of people together. Young people should be involved in multilateralism, because we coexist with everyone else sat at the table and taking the decisions. There is no reason for any group, including young people, to be excluded from these talks. Everyone should be represented under multilateralism : if not, it would create unfair outcomes.
Sharon Matongo, Co-founder, Charity Drive Zimbabwe, Kofi Annan Change Maker 2021

Multilateralism is a founding principle of the United Nations. The challenge is to broaden its meaning, so that every part of the world - including the youth - can feel represented by this concept.
Jérôme Lanci, Co-founder, Geneva Youth Call

Multilateralism is a central issue, as cooperation and exchange between the parties is essential, placing them on an equal level to progress together.
Eva Luvisotto, Co-founder, Geneva Youth Call

Multilateralism echoes the fact that sovereign states work together and make decisions that affect the world. It must give voice to the interests of categories that are often underrepresented, such as youth.
Noa Rakotoarijaonina, Co-founder, Geneva Youth Call
UN Geneva Director-General Tatiana Valovaya, on how young people's voices must be part of a new form of inclusive multilateralism.