Fil d'Ariane

International Weekend and the Making Peace Project
Sergei Ordzhonikidze
6 juin 2010
International Weekend and the Making Peace Project
International Weekend and the Making Peace Project
Remarks by Mr. Sergei A. Ordzhonikidze
Reception to mark the closing of the International Weekend
and the Making Peace project
Esplanade in front of Palais Wilson
Sunday, 6 June 2010 at 18:30
Reception to mark the closing of the International Weekend
and the Making Peace project
Esplanade in front of Palais Wilson
Sunday, 6 June 2010 at 18:30
Ambassador Angell-Hansen
Mayor Salerno
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen:
I appreciate being with you to close what has been a very eventful and certainly an unprecedented International Weekend here in Geneva. It has – in my view – served to strengthen the relationship between the international and the local communities here.
I also think that it has shown – at a very practical level – how the challenges we face at a global level call for individual involvement in our local contexts. We may sometimes think that personal action does not matter. But that is really what makes all the difference.
This weekend has also demonstrated the value of partnerships – between Governments, international organizations, civil society and the private sector. Each brings particular strengths.
The challenges before us can only be confronted effectively when we work together. This weekend has shown that we can do just that – and do it very effectively. And the engagement of committed individuals is what ties it all together.
This weekend has similarly shown in a very powerful way how the challenges we face are connected. We need to pursue environmental stability and peace in parallel if we want to realize either of these goals.
Let me highlight – as I said yesterday when I opened the International Weekend at the Place des Nations – our appreciation for the strong support of our Host Country, at all levels, for the weekend. Allow me also to thank again the Governments of Denmark and Italy who supported World Environment Day, together with the Governments of Brazil, Japan and Rwanda. And of course the many other partners who took part.
We are now closing the International Weekend. But I am sure that it is – in fact – only the beginning of a renewed commitment to sustainability and peace, and the opening of a new chapter in a strong partnership in support of these causes.
Thank you very much.
This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.