Fil d'Ariane

Exposition artistique : “A view to the world in 1m per 1m”
Michael Møller
9 novembre 2018
Exposition artistique : “A view to the world in 1m per 1m”
Exposition artistique : “A view to the world in 1m per 1m”
Remarks by Mr. Michael Møller
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva
Art exhibition: “A view to the world in 1m per 1m”
Friday, 9 November 2018 at 5 p.m.
Mezzanine, E Building, 2nd floor – Door 40
Sr. Pedroso [Ambassador Pedro L. Pedroso, Cuba]
Sra. Hayek, [Ms. Dayani Hayek, Artist]
Señoras y señores,
Es para mí un inmenso placer estar hoy aquí con todos ustedes para celebrar la diversidad de la cultura cubana.
Me gustaría expresar mi más sincero agradecimiento a la Misión Permanente de Cuba y también al señor embajador Pedroso por haber organizado esta celebración.
Es un hecho bien conocido que el arte inspira, educa y, a menudo, sirve como una fuente de expresión que posee la habilidad de impactar de manera colectiva a la sociedad.
Por lo tanto, me da gusto presentar un conjunto de pinturas que hacen precisamente eso, de la artista cubana habanera Dayami Hayek.
Her art speaks to the many challenges that our society is faced with today. Be it human rights, women’s empowerment, the environment, disarmament or youth participation, each of Ms. Hayek’s paintings has an important story to tell.
And as you make your way through the exhibit, pay attention to her messages of peace, equality and hope for a better world.
This evening also marks the Cuban National Cultural Day which was celebrated on 20 October. We will have the chance to explore Cuban heritage with all our senses, visually, through the wonderful artwork around us, but also by listening to Cuban sounds, and sampling its fine cuisine.
Let your walk around the exhibition inspire and warm you on this winter’s night.
I am convinced that you will discover a piece of culture which speaks to you, and, when you do, share it with others, as this exhibition will be running at the Palais des Nations until 14 November.
Muchas gracias.
Thank you very much.
This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.